
Individually Together

We desire for everyone working at our company to be encouraged in sharing their unique gifts and experiences with everyone they encounter! Our goal is to use our skills, and a collaboration of research we have found, to help our neighbors improve their individual health… mind, body, and soul! We are much more impactful together! We motivate each other to grow in our strengths and strengthen our weaknesses. We understand how the human body works and how toxins affect our whole being. By removing these toxins from our bodies, and day to day environments, we are guaranteed to see improved organ function and hydration. A Warning though… some side effects include mental clarity, increased energy levels and an overall sense of wellbeing! Our staff has woven the very best in HVAC engineering, natural healthcare concepts and FDA approved medical Air and Water purification equipment, into a tight knit group we call Direct Mechanical.

Our Services And Products

HVAC Residential and Commercial

Emergency Power Equipment

Air Purification

Water Purification


PH Prescriptions


See All Services


Contact Us

Phone: 800-243-6374
Fax: 781-821-1532
Address: 263 Revere Street
Canton, MA 02021

Empire Engineering Contact Form

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